We're carbon-neutral certified!

It’s time to PLANET->FWD for a better future.

BETTER FOR YOU 🌐 better for the environment 🌐
BETTER FOR YOU 🌐 better for the environment 🌐
BETTER FOR YOU 🌐 better for the environment 🌐
BETTER FOR YOU 🌐 better for the environment 🌐
BETTER FOR YOU 🌐 better for the environment 🌐
BETTER FOR YOU 🌐 better for the environment 🌐
BETTER FOR YOU 🌐 better for the environment 🌐
BETTER FOR YOU 🌐 better for the environment 🌐
BETTER FOR YOU 🌐 better for the environment 🌐
BETTER FOR YOU 🌐 better for the environment 🌐
BETTER FOR YOU 🌐 better for the environment 🌐
BETTER FOR YOU 🌐 better for the environment 🌐
BETTER FOR YOU 🌐 better for the environment 🌐
BETTER FOR YOU 🌐 better for the environment 🌐
BETTER FOR YOU 🌐 better for the environment 🌐
Healthy Hippo Candy

Healthy Hippo is excited to announce that we’ve joined the PLANET->FWD crew to become carbon neutral certified.

It’s a badge we wear proudly.

Our partnership has seen us through a cradle-to-grave life cycle assessments for ALL our products to better understand our impact on the planet and where we can proactively make improvements. To take our journey one step further we’ve purchased high-quality offsets to neutralize our current emissions.

But that’s not all, to further our commitment we will continue to work closely with PLANET->FWD for additional climate actions we can take to continue to reduce our carbon footprint. Because, when it comes down to it, we need to do more for our planet and the next gen.

It’s no longer time for excuses, but time for action

Hey, I've got questions!


When looking for the right partner, we chose PLANET->FWD because there is no room for greenwashing.  Our beliefs are the same; we need to invest in climate literacy so we can make informed decisions.

Time and time again we are seeing brands ticking boxes without the work and we are not here for it.

What is cradle-to-grave?

Cradel-to-grave is how each brand calculates its greenhouse gas emissions to be in line with the global LCA standards. This includes each and every touchpoint, from materials and construction to packaging and shipping.

What’s the plan, stan?

To continue steps to reduce our emissions and work towards climate action we’ve planned out specific steps that are verifiable and time bound. This includes reducing emissions from energy use, materials and transportation.

You mention high–quality offset to you carbon emission. Tell me more…

Unfortunately, there are some unavoidable emissions and this is where we have chosen to purchase credits that meet PLANET->FWD’s criteria for additionality, quantification, permanence, registration, and social and environmental impacts.

Just because it’s unavoidable, doesn’t mean there isn’t a solution.

How is this all calculated?

We’re gonna let PLANET->FWD  take the mic for this one. Check out their rad page here for
more details.

Healthy Hippo Sour Key
Healthy Hippo
Healthy Hippo
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Better for you & better for the planet